Simpsons Tower, Toronto On
A combination of mast-climbers and transport platforms on Marymount’s Ballston Campus redevelopment project proved their strength, versatility and efficiency.
Providing multi-trade access to the University’s newest residential building, a total of fourteen mastclimbers wrapped the building, some of which positioned on vaults or over parking deck slabs in order to reach all areas of the building envelope.
The KTP-5 transport platform for material transport delivered bricks and mortar on an elevation with extensive balconies.
The contract required the masonry contractor to share their scaffolding with other trades performing metal stud, vapor barrier, sheet rock and glazing work.
We demonstrated substantial labor efficiency savings and productivity improvements over other forms of access, despite higher rental rates.
Not only did the masonry contractor win the bid using Klimer’s site solution, it also improved the General Contractor’s bottom line.